I n
m i n u t e s
y o u
c a n
s a v e
h i i
Free cleft surgery which takes as little
as 45 minutes and costs as little as
$250, can give desperate children
not just a new smile— but a new life.
" ...o n e o f
t h e
m o s t
p r o d u c t iv e c h a r it i e s —
d o lla r f o r d e e d — in
t h e w o r ld ."
T h e N e w
Y o r k
T i m e s
H elp ch ild re n w ith
clefts a n d
other problem s.
H $250 Surgery.
□ $125 Half surgery
H $50 Medications.
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- ^ . C h a n g i n g T h e W o rld O n e S m ile A t A T im e .
According to the U.S. Government, women should take sufficient levels of folic acid (400 micrograms/day) during pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects and reduce the
risk for cleft lip and palate. When folic acid is taken one month before conception and throughout the first trimester, it has been proven to reduce the risk for neural tube defects
by 50 to 70 per cent. Be sure to receive proper prenatal care, quit smoking and drinking alcohol and follow your health care provider's guidelines for foods to avoid during preg-
nancy. Foods to avoid may include raw or undercooked seafood, beef, pork or poultry; delicatessen meats; fish that contain high levels or mercury; smoked seafood; fish exposed
to industrial pollutants; raw shellfish or eggs; soft cheeses; unpasteurized milk; pâte; caffeine; and unwashed vegetables. For more information, visit www.SmileTrain.org. Smile
Train is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the 1RS, and all donations to Smile Train are tax-deductible in accordance with 1RS regulations. © 2010 Smile Train.
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